on January 28, 2011 valkilmer@ wrote:
Pls see if u can secure the Goodman from the date u
mentioned . I think a month will be
appropriate ....
on Jan 28, 2011, at 12:08 PM, kimkatz@buzznews.net wrote:
I will do that. let me ask you if you had a choice between June, July, august or sept. which month would be better for you? I'm not sure if they are all available but sept. is a better month in general for ticket sales. On a side note it is pretty incredible and WONDERFUL that the BEST theatre of all four I approached has openings in 2011 at all, now that we are in 2011 already and the other two are fully booked for the year.
Valkilmer@ wrote:
I thought u said may was open for the goodman? I'd like to book it for the month of May!